Family Law & Divorce Blog

When is it Post-Divorce Stress and When is it Trauma?

When is it Post-Divorce Stress and When is it Trauma?

While nearly everyone who has been through a divorce agrees that it is a difficult process, the level of stress and toxicity varies. For some, it reaches the level of trauma. The stress may continue after you say goodbye to your divorce lawyer for the last time. After...

Should Divorced Parents Take Their Children on Joint Vacations?

Should Divorced Parents Take Their Children on Joint Vacations?

After your divorce you may envision going separate ways and never dealing with your ex again. Unfortunately, when you have children, that’s not the reality. Co-parenting requires interaction with your former spouse. How often and for how long you communicate with them...

7 Things You Should Never Say to Your Children During Divorce

7 Things You Should Never Say to Your Children During Divorce

We are often encouraged to "never say never," but when it comes to our children and divorce, there are things you should just never say. Children are resilient and can adapt to the changes that divorce brings. And you can make their transition as easy as possible for...