Family Law & Divorce Blog

How Divorce Changes a Man

How Divorce Changes a Man

Divorce is a complicated, emotional journey. It reshapes the lives of those involved, leaving a lasting mark on their lives. The divorcing spouses, children, in-laws, and friends are affected too. While the impact of divorce is unique to each individual, this...

How Domestic Violence Affects Mental Health

How Domestic Violence Affects Mental Health

Domestic violence is a pervasive issue. It transcends geographic, economic, cultural, and other demographic boundaries. Every community has instances of domestic violence, and every community member suffers from the second and third-order effects of that violence. A...

How Does a Child’s Age Impact Custody Rulings in a Divorce?

How Does a Child’s Age Impact Custody Rulings in a Divorce?

Custody cases are complex by nature since a judge must weigh the well being of the child against the desires of every party involved. While many factors play into a judge's decision, read further to hear how, according to our readers, age plays into custody rulings....

How Does Mediation Work for a Divorce?

How Does Mediation Work for a Divorce?

Divorce makes people think of sitting before a judge who decides the final settlement. Others picture hashing it out between themselves, their exes, and the divorce case lawyers. While many divorces settle in one of those two ways, you might be relieved to know...