Family Law & Divorce Blog

How do you tell your kids about your divorce?

How do you tell your kids about your divorce?

Divorce is never an easy solution to ongoing marital discord, but unfortunately it’s a fact of life for many families. And often, the people who least understand why it’s happening - the kids - are the ones who suffer the most. There’s a certain amount of grief and...

Not Equal But Fair: Understanding Equitable Distribution

Not Equal But Fair: Understanding Equitable Distribution

When ending your marriage, one of the most significant sources of stress is the distribution of assets. Who will walk away with what, and how do the courts decide what is fair? If you file for divorce in Utah, the concept of “equitable distribution” guides those...

How to File for Divorce in Utah

How to File for Divorce in Utah

Rules and procedures for filing for divorce vary by state and it’s critical you follow your state’s rules. Failure to do so could create delays or additional expenses. There are specific requirements for everything from what forms to use to who is even allowed to file...

Differences Between Mediation and Arbitration

Differences Between Mediation and Arbitration

Mediation and arbitration are methods of resolving disputes outside traditional litigation. Often used in situations like divorce, they provide an alternative to the formal legal system and having everything decided by a judge. When successful, they can be faster,...

Don’t Get Poisoned by a Toxic Divorce

Don’t Get Poisoned by a Toxic Divorce

Divorce is never easy. It’s a rearranging of lives and a shift in visions for the future, even in the best cases. But some divorces go far beyond that. When one or both parties are intent on dragging things out, bringing ill-will and chaos to the process, or even...