Family Law & Divorce Blog

What factors lead to an unhappy and unhealthy marriage?

What factors lead to an unhappy and unhealthy marriage?

Relationships are complex and constantly changing, so they are tricky to manage. Marriages are one of the hardest types of relationships to maintain. Communication issues, the inability to ask for help, and lack of time and money all contribute to unhappiness and...

Is it Easy to Get a Divorce in Utah?

Is it Easy to Get a Divorce in Utah?

In some states, you can get a divorce simply by mailing in a one-page document and paying less than $100. In 2011, ABC News reported that Bloomberg ranked all 50 states and the District of Columbia according to difficulty in getting a divorce. The easiest states to...

Do I Have to Pay for a Divorce if My Spouse is the Problem?

Do I Have to Pay for a Divorce if My Spouse is the Problem?

The short answer is ‘Yes.’ But, as your family practice attorney will tell you, a divorce can still be a wise financial investment. Depending on your grounds for your divorce and the terms of your divorce decree, getting a divorce may be one of the best financial...

What are some tips for choosing a spouse and avoiding divorce?

What are some tips for choosing a spouse and avoiding divorce?

Most people want to find someone with whom they can share the rest of their lives. But, with divorce rates constantly rising, it can be unsettling to think about marriage. No one wants to experience the pain of divorce. Luckily, some of our readers have shared some...