How do you deal with the pain after a divorce?
There’s no pain like the heartbreak of a divorce, no matter the reasons for it. Your expectations for the future are gone, your life is upside down, and you no longer have the person you fell in love with by your side. How can you deal with these big feelings and pain? Some of our readers had insights to help newly divorced individuals cope with the heartache and pain they are experiencing. Keep reading to find out what they recommend to help you heal.

Michael Rose
Michael Rose, Founding Partner at Hach & Rose.
It’s Good to Talk
Keeping that pain locked up will only make it worse. It will start to fester and eventually boil over as rage, which could have disastrous consequences. Either talk to your friends and family, or find a local support group where you can talk through everything with people who have been through the same thing and are experiencing similar feelings. It’ll help to exorcize that pain and allow you to let it go. But most importantly, please remember this: things will get better. That pain will eventually start to fade because time does heal all wounds.
Express Your Emotions
No matter what the reason is, dealing with divorce is not easy. It can greatly affect your everyday productivity, such as at work or your daily activities. Expressing your emotions to relatives and friends will help you get over this period, which is the greatest approach to coping. Trying to isolate yourself can increase your anxiety, decrease your focus, and interfere with your career and general wellbeing.
If you need additional support, don’t be hesitant to seek it. Also, while things may not be the same, finding new interests and acquaintances, as well as moving forward with fair expectations, will help with the change. Be adaptable.

Michelle Devani
Michelle Devani, Founder of lovedevani.

Benjamin Knowles
Benjamin Knowles, MSc, Marketing Manager at Tinder Pixel.
Make Time for Fun
Divorce is one of the most painful and stressful experiences in life. Losing someone because you both cannot work things out is a different kind of pain. It can lead to depression and anxiety. No matter the reason or whether the decision is mutual, it can still turn your world upside down. One tip for dealing with pain after divorce is to reach out to family and friends. Know that you are not alone and spend time with those who love you.
Also, make time for fun. There’s a high chance that after divorce, you will overwork yourself to forget, and that is somehow not a healthy thing to do. Give yourself time to relax. Go on a vacation, or make a new routine or schedule for yourself. This will also help you recognize yourself.
Find a Listening Ear
Being at a point where you don’t want to function like you did before is one of the impacts of breakups or divorce. But there are no challenges any individual can pass. In an extremely emotional wreck, having someone to lean on is one of the first things you should seek. It could be your closest friend or a relative. Someone you really trust and you can speak freely with. They can guide you through all the rough times of divorce and even serve as a listening ear as you decide things about your fresh start.
Samantha Moss
Samantha Moss, Editor & Content Ambassador at Romantific.
This is a crowdsourced article. Contributors' statements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this website, other people, businesses, or other contributors.