Family Law & Divorce Blog

When is Divorce the Best Option?

When is Divorce the Best Option?

Wanting to keep your family intact is an admirable goal. Often, counseling, coaching, or working with a mentor or religious leader can repair rifts in a relationship. Sometimes, divorce is the only option for restoring peace and allowing healing. How do you decide...

How soon can I file for divorce after marriage?

How soon can I file for divorce after marriage?

Unfortunately, “I do” can turn to “I don’t” faster than expected. How soon after the wedding bells stop chiming can a divorce be filed? Are there laws that come into play here? Some lawyers and law-affiliated professionals shared their insights below. Keep reading to...

Understanding the Rights of a Child After Divorce

Understanding the Rights of a Child After Divorce

Contrary to popular belief, divorce is often the best thing for a child. It is better for them than growing up in a home full of tension and stress, where their model for future relationships is unhealthy. Divorce will be an adjustment for any child, but as long as...

Can Divorce Lead to a Positive Outcome?

Can Divorce Lead to a Positive Outcome?

Divorce can feel deeply upsetting and toxic when you are in the thick of it. It's important to remember that while the process creates significant upheaval in your life, divorce can have many positive effects. Often divorce can end up being the best thing for you,...

How does the life of each party change after a divorce?

How does the life of each party change after a divorce?

The dissolution of a marriage is never something society likes to consider a ‘good’ thing, even when it’s necessary. And the fact that divorce represents a major life change means that the two parties involved likely won’t escape without repercussions, be they...

How Divorce Can Affect Your Mortgage

How Divorce Can Affect Your Mortgage

As your marriage comes to an end, one of the largest and most complicated decisions you may have to make is what to do with the family home. Whether you and your spouse ultimately come to an agreement on what will happen, or it goes to the court to determine,...